「聖書地図帳 The Bible コレクション Atlas with Ancient and Modern Names 1835」
「聖書地図帳 The Bible Atlas with Ancient and Modern Names 1835」
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「The Bible Atlas with Ancient and Modern Names.Beeing a Delineation of the Geography. And a Chronological Arrangement of the History of the Holy Bible. As Also of the Apocryphical Books and Josephus」
Samuel Arrowsmith(地理学者/地図製作者を多数輩出したアロースミス家の一員 1839年死去) Published by the Author, London
「聖書地図帳 The Bible Atlas with Ancient and Modern Names 1835」
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「The Bible Atlas with Ancient and Modern Names.Beeing a Delineation of the Geography. And a Chronological Arrangement of the History of the Holy Bible. As Also of the Apocryphical Books and Josephus」
Samuel Arrowsmith(地理学者/地図製作者を多数輩出したアロースミス家の一員 1839年死去) Published by the Author, London
銅版刷タイトル頁+21図(手彩色地図含む)+Index 本の大きさ18.7×19.2センチ 厚み1.2センチ
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